Monday, January 30, 2012

Progress & where I need to improve

I stepped on the scale this morning and noticed that I lost 6 pounds. I noticed that my jeans are a tad looser in some parts but I need to be more diligent about doing abdominal exercises; I use the machines pretty regularly but I know that floor workouts generate better results.

Over the past few weeks, I've done a great job with getting to the gym daily and staying for about 1-2 hours depending on what I'm doing.

In a previous post, I commented about my challenge with logging 30 minutes on the treadmill. I'm thrilled to state that I'm getting into my third week of doing a "couch to 5K" program which incorporates a blend of walking and running; as the weeks progress, the amount of running will increase while the amount of walking will decrease. I need to remember to focus on endurance instead of speed; when I've tried similar programs in the past, I will set the speed on the treadmill between 5.0-5.5 and I would burn myself out but now I seem to be doing well by going at a 4.5 pace. I'm registered for a 5K that will take place on March 4th and it will be nice to trim 5-10 minutes from my time. If I lose about 10-15 pounds by the 5K, that should be doable.

I'm also swimming 3 days per week. Yesterday, I was able to swim 900 yards pretty much non-stop. The program that I'm using will help me build my ability to swim 1,650 yards (one mile) at the end of six weeks. For this, I'm also focusing on endurance instead of speed. I'm sure my speed will increase as my weight decreases.

In addition to swimming & running, I'm also riding the stationary bikes and using the weight machines. Hopefully, I will be able to get on the road with my bike at the end of March and start training for a few bike events.

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