Sunday, October 27, 2013

Latest numbers. Another 3-1/2 months have passed.

I'm supposed to take my measurements on a monthly basis but that hasn't happened. I took some measurements yesterday & noticed the following changes:
Hips - 46 (down 3.5 inches since March)
Bust - 41 (down 6 inches since March)
Waist - 37 (down 5.5 inches since March)
Right thigh - 24 (down 4 inches since March)

A lot of folks have noticed that I've lost a significant amount of weight. In addition to the kudos I've received, some are bold enough to ask me about my boobs; yes, they've gotten smaller but I'm not flat-chested.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Going for a run. How did that happen?

I'm training for my first half marathon and have been using RunKeeper, an app on my phone that maps out a training program and tracks my progress. The objective is to get you ready for a half-marathon in about 4 months; you will build your endurance and slowly add distance to make it to 13 miles.

I started the program after I completed my 10K in July. Yes, I should've been done by now but I was working on a project that got me off track with training. I was looking to do my first half either this month or next but that didn't happen.

My first half-marathon will be the Manhattan Half on Janary 26, 2014 and I will make two loops around Central Park (hope it won't be too cold). It's funny how a new activity becomes part of your life. When I was doing my 6-mile run earlier this week, I thought "a year ago, if you told me that I would be logging in a 6-mile run today, I would wonder what you're smoking." My pace isn't great but I'm getting it done.

I'm not doing straight running yet but I'm getting there. I did notice that I will do better at an event than when I'm by myself. I have a 5 mile event on Sunday. I knocked out a training run of a similar distance last Sunday in an hour and 4 minutes. It might be a hoot if I can knock this out in an hour.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Enough with the celebrities who lost oodles of weight in a short period of time.

I'm down 65 pounds so far and it's been a tough road. I just have to put it out there that I am sick and tired of seeing celebrities getting front page coverage for losing 50+ pounds on 4 months.

Time to poke holes in this crap. I don't have a personal chef who will take care  of my 3 daily squares and I don't have a personal trainer who will make house calls to work with me 2-3 hours per day, 7 days a week. Another thing to put out there is that when you have a baby, you will lose not only the weight of the baby but you will lose the amniotic fluid, sac, etc. and that can be between 15-20 pounds.

Yes, I do know somebody who did lose 45 pounds in 3 months but she busted her ass to make that happen and she continues to bust her ass to keep that weight off.

This is a lifestyle change.  When you take out certain foods or put in other restrictions, you're running the risk of putting on the weight you lost when you get back on "real food."

It took me 7 months to drop 50 pounds. In my younger days, it was easy for me to drop 20 pounds pretty quickly by hitting the gym for a few weeks or cutting out some stuff but as quickly as I lost it, those pounds found a way to get back on.

Rant over.