Monday, January 30, 2012

Progress & where I need to improve

I stepped on the scale this morning and noticed that I lost 6 pounds. I noticed that my jeans are a tad looser in some parts but I need to be more diligent about doing abdominal exercises; I use the machines pretty regularly but I know that floor workouts generate better results.

Over the past few weeks, I've done a great job with getting to the gym daily and staying for about 1-2 hours depending on what I'm doing.

In a previous post, I commented about my challenge with logging 30 minutes on the treadmill. I'm thrilled to state that I'm getting into my third week of doing a "couch to 5K" program which incorporates a blend of walking and running; as the weeks progress, the amount of running will increase while the amount of walking will decrease. I need to remember to focus on endurance instead of speed; when I've tried similar programs in the past, I will set the speed on the treadmill between 5.0-5.5 and I would burn myself out but now I seem to be doing well by going at a 4.5 pace. I'm registered for a 5K that will take place on March 4th and it will be nice to trim 5-10 minutes from my time. If I lose about 10-15 pounds by the 5K, that should be doable.

I'm also swimming 3 days per week. Yesterday, I was able to swim 900 yards pretty much non-stop. The program that I'm using will help me build my ability to swim 1,650 yards (one mile) at the end of six weeks. For this, I'm also focusing on endurance instead of speed. I'm sure my speed will increase as my weight decreases.

In addition to swimming & running, I'm also riding the stationary bikes and using the weight machines. Hopefully, I will be able to get on the road with my bike at the end of March and start training for a few bike events.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Scale hasn't reflected but I feel a difference

Over the past three weeks, I've been pretty diligent about going to the gym but my eating habits are still horrible hence the lack of movement on the scale.

In a previous post, I commented on the challenge I had on the treadmill; I'm thrilled to announce that I have overcome that and can knock out a 30 minute session combining walking & running. Gradually, I will be increasing the amount of running & decreasing the amount of walking per session. I'm registered for the Coogan's 5K which is taking place on March 4th. I participated in this event last year but I didn't train properly. I'm reversing that this year and would like to take 10 minutes off my completion time.

I'm also swimming 3 days per week. In a previous post, I included a link to a swim training program that I'm following. The pool at my gym is 25 yards long and I've noticed that I would lose counts of laps I've done; I found a lap counter online, ordered one & should receive it by the end of the week.

Last summer, my husband bought me a bike. My goal is to do a century this year. I have been on the stationary bikes at the gym but once the weather warms up, I plan on doing a few training rides with my brother.

Every other day, I have been hitting the weight machines.
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Sunday, January 8, 2012

1/8 status

Weighed in and tipped the scale at 230.

Made it to the gym after not going for 4 days. Spent 30 minutes on the cross-fit machine (equaled 2 miles & burned 220 calories) and did weights for lower body.

The Bally's location that I used to frequent was acquired by LA Fitness a few months ago. Last week, I was driving to the Bally's in Bay Shore which opened a few months ago; it's a great club and there are an ample number of cardio machines.

My husband has been on my ass about me adding him on my membership. I finally got around to joining LA Fitness and I added my husband. As a new member, we are each entitled to an hour with a personal trainer; my session is tomorrow and my husband's is Wednesday.

My husband is looking to build muscle to prepare for his Navy reunion in April.
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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I used to walk a lot so why is the treadmill kicking my ass?

I lived in Queens for over 20 years and spent about a dozen years working in the City. Walking a lot came with the territory. I'm also a dog owner so there's some walking that comes with that as well. Basically, if I needed to go someplace that was within 10-20 blocks away (about half a mile to a mile away), I walked because driving or taking public transportation didn't seem worth the trouble.

Five years ago, I moved to Long Island and found a job that was a 30-minute drive from my home. While it was great that I no longer had to deal with the LIRR, the problem is that I wasn't walking as much as I used to. Not that I was winning the Twiggy contest by any stretch of the imagination but add a more sedentary lifestyle to horrible eating habits, the pounds are surely to follow.

I spent most of my adult life gaining and losing the same 20 pounds but over the last five years, those 20 pounds seemed to have returned with companions which has yielded a 50 pound weight gain.

Over the summer, I went through a period of being pretty diligent about going to the gym but that went to hell in August when I got busy with client work and leaving town for a conference. New Year's rolled along and I (along with the rest of the free world) resolved to mend my delinquent ways.

I found a 5K training program which can be done exclusively on the treadmill and it didn't seem as overwhelming as another 5K program that I tried last year. The program consists of a blend of running & walking; the time on the treadmill starts at 30 minutes and peaks at 45 minutes. I'm on "week 1" and I never thought that I would be flaking out the way I have considering just a few months ago I was knocking out 50-60 minute sessions on the treadmill.

When I saw my mom earlier this week, I expressed a level of disappointment by not being about to complete a 30 minute session and she told me to just work my way up to that time. On Monday, I spent 13 minutes and yesterday, I spent 18 minutes. Hopefully, I can knock out 30 minutes.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Links that I to get them to work for me

I found these programs through Google and saved PDF copies on my machine. Now to get off my ass and put these programs to use.

Half Marathon


Swimming (Please note: the PDF conversion process might leave a little something to be a little messy on my end.

I plan on working on the running programs in sequence. After I complete the 5K program, I will work on the 10K program. Once the weather warms up (I live on Long Island), I should be ready for the half-marathon program which should keep me busy until the fall (and it cools down again). Ideally, as the pounds come off, my speed should increase; my latest documented pace will come at a later post.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Starting point - measurements 1/2/2012

An effective way to see how one is progressing is to perform measurements along the way. I would like to check my progress on a weekly progress so here we go...

Weight - 234 lbs
Waist - 44"
Hips - 56"
Bust - 51"
Chest - 38"
Right calf - 16"
Right thigh - 31"
Right bicep - 13"
Right forearm - 10"
Approx BMI - 40.2

My iPod is charging to I can head over to the gym to spend time on the bike & the treadmill. I marked my calendar for the Montauk Century and the NYC Bike Tour taking in May and would like to participate in both events. To prepare, I found a training program through Google geared towards preparing for a century ride in two months.

Running is another challenge and I found a bunch of programs. I'm starting with a 5K program that I found that allow me to prepare for a 5K in 9 weeks by using the treadmill. This week, I will have 3-30 minute sessions that is split between running & walking (more walking) and I will gradually increase my running time as the weeks progress.

Happy New Year

The mantra I'm adopting for the year is along the lines of "my actions are consistent with my desired results."

Last year, I recognized that I needed to take action in terms of improving my overall health and level of fitness and my time at the gym was spent in dribs and drabs. Over the summer, I was pretty diligent but then I got busy and my dedication went down the drain.

I lost some weight and was thrilled that I was able to buy smaller clothes but since I stopped going to the gym, the numbers on the scale went back up and I was back in my old clothes.

Today, I spent some time on the bike and worked on the weight machines.